Narcolepsy Diagnosis: Comparison between the Sleep-EVAL System and Clinicians
First created | 01/12/1994
Last edited |
- Ohayon MM, Guilleminault C, Paiva T, Priest RG, Rapoport DM, Sagales T, Smirne S, Zulley J. An international study on sleep disorders in the general population: methodological aspects of the use of the Sleep-EVAL system. Sleep 1997;20:1086-92.
- Ohayon MM, Guilleminault C, Zulley J, Palombini L, Raab H. Validation of the Sleep-EVAL system against clinical assessments of sleep disorders and polysomnographic data. Sleep 1999; 22:925-30.
- Ohayon MM, Okun ML. Occurrence of sleep disorders in the families of narcoleptic patients. Neurology. 2006;67:703-705.
- Ohayon MM. Sleep-EVAL, Knowledge base system for the diagnosis of sleep disorders. Registration #437699, Copyright Office, Ottawa: Industry Canada, Canadian Intellectual Property Office. 1994
This study aimed:
- to compare the diagnoses of the Sleep-EVAL System with those of 3 sleep specialists using the same sample of subjects;
- to establish the abilities of the Sleep-EVAL System to discriminate and
- to evaluate correctly narcoleptic subjects inside an heterogeneous sample of individuals.
Narcolepsy is a disabling sleep disorder characterized by recurrent daytime naps or lapses into sleep occurring almost daily. This disorder affects about 40 individuals per 100,000.
Sleep-EVAL System (Ohayon, 1994; CIPO #437699) was administered by telephone interviews to narcoleptics and their family (father, mother brother/sister) and also to control subjects.
Out of 518 subjects participating to a survey on narcolepsy, 90 subjects were randomly selected.
For the narcoleptics: the diagnosis established at the Sleep Disorders Center based upon clinical, polysomnographic and genetic tests.
For the family members and the control subjects: diagnostic agreement between at least 2 on 3 sleep specialists.
Clinical observations were reviewed by three sleep specialists who highlighted the main symptoms underlying each of their three diagnoses.
Each observation consisted of
- sociodemographic information;
- medical history (consultations, medications, hospitalizations, physical diseases);
- sleep/wake schedule;
- sleep hygiene;
- sleep symptoms;
- daytime sleepiness;
- cataplexy;
- hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations and other types of hallucinations;
- sleep paralysis;
- psychiatric symptomatology.
A diagnostic consensus was established when two of the three specialists gave the same diagnosis. This diagnostic consensus was then compared to that provided by the Sleep-EVAL system (Ohayon M. Knowledge Based System Eval Decisional Trees and Questionnaires. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, ISBN 2-921483-06-8, 1995).
The sample was composed of:
- 14 narcoleptics: mean age: 25.6 (±4.3) yrs; 9 were women
- 17 fathers of narcoleptics: mean age: 54.3 (±5.6) years
- 18 mothers of narcoleptics: mean age: 51.6 (±6.0) years
- 19 sisters of narcoleptics: mean age: 28.6 (±6.8) years
- 11 brothers of narcoleptics: mean age: 24.8 (±8.0) years
- 11 controls: mean age: 28.0 (±10.1) years; 6 were women
18 subjects were diagnosed with narcolepsy by the Sleep-EVAL System and the Sleep Specialists.
- 14 of these 18 subjects were narcoleptic individuals (previously confirmed with clinical exams, PSG, MSLT, blood tests).
- 4 new narcolepsy cases were identified in the families by the Sleep-EVAL System and the Sleep Specialists.


Nearly perfect agreements were observed between the three sleep specialists on the diagnosis of narcolepsy.
Kappas between the Sleep-EVALSystem and each of the sleep specialist were high.
A perfect agreement was obtained with the sleep specialist #3.
On two cases, the Sleep-EVAL System and two sleep specialists diagnosed a narcolepsy while one sleep specialist concluded to the absence of narcolepsy.
For one case, the Sleep-EVAL system and one sleep specialist concluded to the absence of narcolepsy and two sleep specialists concluded narcolepsy was present.
Between the Sleep-EVAL System and the three sleep specialists on the narcolepsy diagnosis was: Kappa: 0.97; Sensitivity: 94.7%; Specificity: 100%
The results show it is possible to reliably identify narcoleptic individuals based on self-report information during a telephone interview with the Sleep-EVAL System.
This is confirmed by:
- a high agreement when the Sleep-EVAL System narcolepsy diagnosis is compared to the sleep specialist's diagnosis using the results of exams (PSG, MSLT, blood tests)
- a high agreement between the Sleep-EVAL System and the three sleep specialists NOT using the results of laboratory exams.
Moreover, the study allowed to identify 4 new narcolepsy cases among the family members and control subjects.