Official Name | State of North Carolina |
Capital | Raleigh |
Population | 9,535,483 |
Housing Status | Total: 4,327,528 |
(in housing units unless | Occupied: 3,745,155 |
noted) | Owner-occupied: 2,497,900 |
Population in owner-occupied: 6,290,286 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Renter-occupied: 1,247,255 | |
Population in renter-occupied: 2,987,951 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Households with individuals under 18: 1,248,342 | |
Vacant: 582,373 | |
Vacant (for rent): 156,587 | |
Vacant (for sale): 71,693 | |
Population by Sex/Age | Male: 4,645,492 |
Female: 4,889,991 | |
Under 18: 2,281,635 | |
18 & over: 7,253,848 | |
20 - 24: 661,573 | |
25 - 34: 1,246,593 | |
35 - 49: 2,025,904 | |
50 - 64: 1,808,654 | |
65 & over: 1,234,079 | |
Population by Race | White: 6,528,950 |
African American: 2,048,628 | |
Asian: 208,962 | |
American Indian and Alaska Native: 122,110 | |
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 6,604 | |
Other: 414,030 | |
Identified by two or more: 206,199 | |
Population by Ethnicity | Hispanic or Latino: 800,120 |
Non Hispanic or Latino: 8,735,363 |