Official Name | State of Oregon |
Capital | Salem |
Population | 3,831,074 |
Housing Status | Total: 1,675,562 |
(in housing units unless | Occupied: 1,518,938 |
noted) | Owner-occupied: 944,485 |
Population in owner-occupied: 2,386,743 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Renter-occupied: 574,453 | |
Population in renter-occupied: 1,357,689 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Households with individuals under 18: 456,775 | |
Vacant: 156,624 | |
Vacant (for rent): 40,193 | |
Vacant (for sale): 24,191 | |
Population by Sex/Age | Male: 1,896,002 |
Female: 1,935,072 | |
Under 18: 866,453 | |
18 & over: 2,964,621 | |
20 - 24: 253,048 | |
25 - 34: 524,144 | |
35 - 49: 762,404 | |
50 - 64: 785,762 | |
65 & over: 533,533 | |
Population by Race | White: 3,204,614 |
African American: 69,206 | |
Asian: 141,263 | |
American Indian and Alaska Native: 53,203 | |
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 13,404 | |
Other: 204,625 | |
Identified by two or more: 144,759 | |
Population by Ethnicity | Hispanic or Latino: 450,062 |
Non Hispanic or Latino: 3,381,012 |