Official Name | Florida |
Capital | Tallahassee |
Population | 18,801,310 |
Housing Status | Total: 8,989,580 |
(in housing units unless | Occupied: 7,420,802 |
noted) | Owner-occupied: 4,998,979 |
Population in owner-occupied: 12,351,838 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Renter-occupied: 2,421,823 | |
Population in renter-occupied: 6,027,763 | |
( number of individuals ) | |
Households with individuals under 18: 2,209,965 | |
Vacant: 1,568,778 | |
Vacant (for rent): 371,626 | |
Vacant (for sale): 198,232 | |
Population by Sex/Age | Male: 9,189,355 |
Female: 9,611,955 | |
Under 18: 4,002,091 | |
18 & over: 14,799,219 | |
20 - 24: 1,228,758 | |
25 - 34: 2,289,545 | |
35 - 49: 3,832,456 | |
50 - 64: 3,677,959 | |
65 & over: 3,259,602 | |
Population by Race | White: 14,109,162 |
African American: 2,999,862 | |
Asian: 454,821 | |
American Indian and Alaska Native: 71,458 | |
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 12,286 | |
Other: 681,144 | |
Identified by two or more: 472,577 | |
Population by Ethnicity | Hispanic or Latino: 4,223,806 |
Non Hispanic or Latino: 14,577,504 |